Monday, January 26, 2015

Heyo! I won't feel sorry

For wearing short skirts
For not bringing my purse
For having male friends
Being with them till the end
For having the right curves
And showing them off to the world

Heyo! I wont feel sorry
For being myself
For doing it my way
For having Fun
For living my life

For singing out loud
And feeling so proud
For letting hair loose
And having some booze
For hating your advice
As if they were so wise

Heyo! I wont feel sorry
For being myself
For doing it my way
For having Fun
For living my life

Gimme one good reason why should I listen to you
First you like me coz of me just to turn me into you
You will like JLo but you want to keep me low
Wont let me spread my wings
Keeping me under your wings

Sorry but I will break out
Sorry but I will shake out
Sorry but I will be me
And that is how now it will be……

Heyo! I wont feel sorry
For being myself
For doing it my way
For having Fun
For living my life

 P.s. Life is demanding and so am I. Not sorry for whatever I am. Love myself.

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